If you have ever been in a long-term relationship, you know that after some time, it could start feeling a bit boring and predictable. In the beginning, everything is great because it is all still so new and exciting.
However, as time progresses and you spend more time with each other, the newness wears away, and you’re left feeling like you’re stuck in a boring old routine.
We’ve got a few ideas on how you can breathe new life into your relationship and keep things fun and exciting.
1. Change Your Routine
Maybe you have a set day that you spend with your significant other because your schedules don’t always align so you are both available at the same time. Instead of relying on this designated day or even time, to go out, switch things up! Maybe you both have an hour or so in the morning before you have to go on about your day. Go out for breakfast together, even if it is just to grab a cup of coffee and a muffin. If you only have a few very precious moments in the day, surprise them by stopping by to share lunch with them. Any effort you make to deviate from the routine will make the moment that much more special.
2. Get Away From the Electronics
Televisions, computers, cell phones, tablets… These things play a big role in our lives—sometimes to the detriment of our relationships. Try sitting with one another without any electronics and having a conversation. If you’re at home, put your cell phones on silent and make a rule to leave the television off. You can play a game, cook dinner, have some sexy time; whatever it is, do it together!
3. Create a Date Idea Jar
There’s a lot of pins on Pinterest with this idea. You can fill a jar of possible date ideas and once or twice a week, you take turns pulling a date idea out of the jar. The point of this particular idea is to think outside of the box and avoid doing the same old thing each date night. So, while you may think that dinner and a movie is a great date, your partner may be getting tired of it. Some fun date ideas can include:
- Taking a class together (cooking, an art class, dancing, etc.).
- Going to the park, zoo, aquarium, observatory, etc.
- Packing a picnic and watching the sunset.
4. Surprise Them With Little Gifts
You shouldn’t feel like you have to wait until a holiday, anniversary, or birthday to shower the one you love with little gifts. You can give them something small that reminds you of them or something that you think they’d like. Though these little trinkets aren’t going to cost a lot, it’s the meaning and thought behind it that will go a long way with your love.
5. Take a Spontaneous Drive
Spontaneity is the spice of life, and there is no better way to be spontaneous than hopping in the car and see where the road takes you. Go down roads you’ve never gone down, stop at shops you’ve never been to before, and talk to people you meet while walking down the street. You never know who you’ll meet or what you’ll find if you don’t check things out. You never know, you could find your next “go-to” spot.