Any celebration is going to be difficult if you’re spending it alone, but perhaps New Years is one of the more difficult holidays because when the clock strikes midnight, you’re reminded that you are one of the ones who doesn’t have someone to kiss.
Well, stop it. Stop focusing on the loneliness that you may be feeling during the new year because we’ve got some suggestions that will help you through the holiday but maybe even give you the insight to start 2016 on a bright note.
Evaluate your options.
Have you received any holiday invites this year? If you have and you are avoiding going to these parties simply because you’re single, don’t. If you’re worried about being the only one there without a partner, as one of your friends to accompany you. For those who haven’t received any invites to go anywhere and celebrate, tag along with another single friend and look for local venues hosting a New Year’s Eve party. There are bound to be some parties going on that will be full of fun people wanting to bring in 2016 with a bang.
Looking good and feeling great.
Countless studies have proven that when you look good, your confidence will increase and you’ll start feeling good as well. Take pride in yourself and go all out as though you were meeting the man of your dreams. Spend a little extra time getting ready before going out—shave, apply makeup, do your hair nicely, and wear that outfit that hugs your body in all the right ways. Keep in mind that when you exude self-confidence, people take notice and they are drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
You can use this opportunity to get a makeover, change your hairstyle, get a new outfit, or even something small as get a manicure. You’d be surprised how these little things can change your whole outlook about yourself.
Let go of limiting attitudes.
The New Year is a time to reflect on the year that you are about to leave behind and look forward to the possibilities of the new year. If you’re single, you may have this overwhelming sense of failure simply because you aren’t in a relationship. This isn’t the case by a long shot. Think of how many people are in a relationship and are miserable. Count your blessings that you have the sense of self to know that you deserve the best and you won’t settle for anything less—and people will take notice of this take-charge attitude.
Make a commitment to your happiness.
Do you find that your happiness often depends on someone or something outside of your control? Do you only feel happy when things your way and if they aren’t you feel like you’re drowning in a pit of despair? Use the new year to focus on things that make you happy and be damned about everything else. The only things that we truly have control over is your attitude. Sure, your car may get a flat tire, but when you approach the situation with the idea of “Hey, it gives me a chance to walk to where I need to go, which puts me that much closer to my daily step goal,” rather than “I’ve got to spend more money on this crap car… Money that I don’t have!” you are trying to stay positive and see things for the best.
Choose to focus on the positive things in your life and be grateful for them. People who are without a car would love the opportunity complain about a flat tire, because that means they have transportation and no longer have to worry about relying on someone else for a ride. Yes, a flat is a setback, but it is easily fixed.
They say that the cosmos gives back what you put in. When you throw negative energy out there, you are going to get it back tenfold. So, why not put out positive vibes even when it feels like there is nothing to be positive about? You’ll find that when you are able to do this, your new year will be much more fulfilling, regardless if you are in a relationship or not.